La la. Supposed 2 b doing
CVL's maths task thingy... But I
cnt think now so blog
lor. :). Blogging is so brainless. :)
Agn. Dad's tongue is
lk swollen den the doc says its cos he bit it. Dunno how a bite can make it swollen... Its so crappy la the human body...
Anw, the maths presentation actually looks good cos of 'D's wonderful err, animations. Ya, the pic of the heart dat i made. Looks so good. Lol, I folded it myself n 'I' wanted it.

Of cos, i gave it to 'D' who helped make the maths ppt look so good. Lol, it was actually the animations. 'D' said he nvr got it leh, even though 'C' said got put in2 the box 4 delivery... Ha ha. Anw, met wif 'I' ytd at PHPPS. Damn la it was drizzling den had 2 go out of the cozy bus stop. Dunno y 'I' lk the rain so much. Grr.
Hais, sch tdy was quie interesting oso la. L8 4 sch third x this term. Another x den get dp lor. So its lk I so dun 12 b l8 this term agn. Nx term is fine la actually... The counter thingy resets ma. Then 'E' was sanding the wing of the plane n the foam dust or wdv its called flew on2 my bag. Lk magic lk dat. Lol. Mummy came sch 2 fetch me so I didn't hav 2 get drwnched when it rained just now. So seems lk she can b nice 2 me as well... Ha ha.
Just now took pics of 'A'. She looks so cute la. Lk a baby. Hmm, she is a baby in some ways. Lol.
YAY, changed blogskin, so now I'm not racist. Lol, nvr was actually...